By Anonymous - 12/03/2011 05:14 - United States

Today, it was the début of the high school musical I was in. When two others and I sang the word "Hell", my mother yelled at us for using that language, while the musical was still going, and dragged me off stage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 995
You deserved it 3 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was probably more entertaining than the rest of the musical. Excellent performance OP.

Now that's something that you CAN'T laugh off!


Wow...Your mom is frigging insane. sorry

Man, gotta love the bible thumpers huh?

JetRyan 0

overprotective parent. that sux. :(

hobbyjobbon 1

Was it a highschool version of "Rent" when you guys sang "Santa Fe," when you sing the line "Cold Bohemian Hell," meaning you must've been Angel Schnuard, Tom Collins, or Mark Cohen?

not to be rude or anything but it's stupid people like that, that ruin peoples lives

Good thing you weren't playing "The Motherf**ker With The Hat".