By Awie - 20/10/2011 08:26 - Austria

Today, it was our 5th anniversary, so I decided to play a little joke on my girlfriend. Before I gave her the real present, an engagement ring, I gave her a gift-wrapped rolling pin instead. I ended up in the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 345
You deserved it 19 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It seems like after five years, she'd know you well enough to recognize that it was a gag gift. Unless you've just told her to get back in the kitchen one too many times and she finally snapped...

Let me guess, she made you shove it up your ass.


Chris20003 17

sorry to hear op but hope she found out what the real present was, and rubbed it in her face a little lol.

at least it wasn't a cast iron frying pan!

elizacandle 29

Look at the bright side, at least you didn't give her a set of kitchen knives.

Next time try and give her a present that won't give you a concussion.

That's gotta make a great story though... if you still went through with it.

Damn. Do not marry that woman. You want a girl who would appreciate your rolling pin even if it was the real gift

I find the gag gift funny, I'd leave her now that you know how violent she can be.

I was kind of a dick move, but after 5 years she should've guessed it was a joke, rather than kicking the shit out of OP.

I was kind of a dick move, but after 5 years she should've guessed it was a joke, rather than kicking the shit out of OP.

I was kind of a dick move, but after 5 years she should've guessed it was a joke, rather than kicking the shit out of OP.