By Awie - 20/10/2011 08:26 - Austria

Today, it was our 5th anniversary, so I decided to play a little joke on my girlfriend. Before I gave her the real present, an engagement ring, I gave her a gift-wrapped rolling pin instead. I ended up in the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 345
You deserved it 19 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It seems like after five years, she'd know you well enough to recognize that it was a gag gift. Unless you've just told her to get back in the kitchen one too many times and she finally snapped...

Let me guess, she made you shove it up your ass.


If the OP is lying or joking about the "ended up in the hospital" bit, that's a possibility.

Well maybe he was able to give it to her as a peace offering during the 'battle' and then when she realized she had been pranked and given a lovely ring she felt remorse over clubbing the OP half to death and took him to the hospital...

I find it funny how many people here assume that the OP's girlfriend beat the crap out of him with the rolling pin... We don't know how badly the OP was hurt, only that he went to hospital. As I mentioned in another reply, a good wack on the noggin could be enough for a trip to hospital just to be on the safe side (concussion is serious), broken bones could be another reason (some of the smaller bones don't take much force to break). I dont know the whole story either, I'm just adding a different perspective instead of jumping to the conclusion that she went all psycho and beat him repeatedly till he was black & blue...

i'd say if you decide to stay with her, propose again. this time with an oven mitt. because that might not hurt as much.. and it would be funny :) however, if you value your life... maybe set up something romantic and non funny? meh :) best of luck.

Lmao! What did she get you? Talk about over react.... This is what your wanting to marry.... Can't even take a joke, but I wouldn't either if you told me " make me my dinner." once to many times... Lol

gravygecko 2

It could have been worse. You could have given her the engagement ring first and right now you'd be engaged to a psycho.

The bitch hospitalized the guy... That's nothing to lighten up about.