By mikey09 - 17/01/2010 05:37 - United States

Today, it was my first day at my new job, which requires you to wear a special shirt. Come to find out, they only have medium sized shirts. I'm an XL. They demanded I wear the shirt anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 633
You deserved it 9 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hermyoni 0

Just because he wears an XL shirt does not in any way mean the guy is fat. He could have broad shoulders or muscular arms. Or maybe just be fit and like the extra room. Most built guys where L or XL shirts and even if he had a tummy so what. A medium is too small for most guys to be wearing anyway.

Pssht, you should have "worn" it on one arm, or as a bandana, or something like that. Just in case their store policy isn't specific enough for that eventuality, which is a good possibility.


im an XL im 15 around 6ft-6ft 1inch not thin but not particulaly fat or musculer not really a bad thing

why everyone debating about whether OP's fat or not? it's not like that makes a difference in the story, its FYL either way. What man would be comfortable with his belly hanging out for the world to see?

To all the people calling OP a fatass: **** YOU!! An XL doesn't mean he's fat! My boyfriend is an XL because he is very tall and has broad shoulders. The same could be said about OP.

I had it happened to me but just from xl my size I was given a large lolz way way way back f u kfc haha

airtimewhXre 5

To everyone saying the OP is fat: My boyfriend is 6'3" and nicely built. He wears an XL shirt simply because he is so tall. To him, a medium sized shirt is like wearing a midriff shirt. Same with my dad and brother. They are both tall and muscular, and neither one of them are fat, they all wear XL shirts too. Don't be so quick to judge.

Nonsense. XL shirts just get wider and barely longer, if any at all. I am 6'3" and I wear a medium

nyuukou 0

Well, if it's looser on you, it hangs down further. I wear a men's extra small in t-shirts. They fit comfortably, only a little looser than I prefer, and the hem just below my hips. A men's medium is considerably baggier and, despite being maybe an inch longer in measurements, the hem hits about two inches below my crotch. Anything larger, and it's just ridiculous. Might as well be wearing a dress at that point.

Either way, it doesn't matter if the OP is fat. They shouldn't be forced to wear something that does not fit them and/or makes them uncomfortable, whether they have a muffin top, the shoulders are too small, or the neckline chockes them.