Wardrobe malfunction

By Anonymous - 28/03/2023 18:00

Today, I woke up early to make a good impression at my new job. As I was getting dressed, I noticed my shirt was missing a button. I frantically searched for another shirt, but couldn't find one that looked clean enough. I had to go to work in my buttonless shirt, and spent the entire day feeling embarrassed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 521
You deserved it 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Missing one button is not button-LESS, it's button-LIGHT. Why didn't you just staple at the location of the missing button?

Long ago my Grandfather had a bread and newspaper delivery route. When collecting day came he found that his one white dress shirt was worn out in back (a truck driver tends to wear out their shirts in the back). It was summer in MS and it was hot and humid. But Granddad wore his suit coat over his worn out shirt so the wear to the shirt didn’t show. And once he collected, he was able to buy a couple new shirts… Most of us have suffered wardrobe emergencies at one time or another. To avoid this in the future - do as my wife does for events. She lays out her wardrobe well beforehand and looks carefully at it to make sure you are happy with it. That way you have more time to make corrections… Finally, everyone should know how to sew a button back on a shirt or jeans or whatever - male and female. It’s a minor survival skill. You just need to pick up a cheap little sewing kit with a few needles, pins, and a few colors of threads. When I was traveling for work I used to always pack one and it occasionally saved the day. If you don’t know how to sew on a button or mend a tear in a garment have someone show you or look it up online.


SatanicPanic 9

I voted no on this being an fml at all lol

Long ago my Grandfather had a bread and newspaper delivery route. When collecting day came he found that his one white dress shirt was worn out in back (a truck driver tends to wear out their shirts in the back). It was summer in MS and it was hot and humid. But Granddad wore his suit coat over his worn out shirt so the wear to the shirt didn’t show. And once he collected, he was able to buy a couple new shirts… Most of us have suffered wardrobe emergencies at one time or another. To avoid this in the future - do as my wife does for events. She lays out her wardrobe well beforehand and looks carefully at it to make sure you are happy with it. That way you have more time to make corrections… Finally, everyone should know how to sew a button back on a shirt or jeans or whatever - male and female. It’s a minor survival skill. You just need to pick up a cheap little sewing kit with a few needles, pins, and a few colors of threads. When I was traveling for work I used to always pack one and it occasionally saved the day. If you don’t know how to sew on a button or mend a tear in a garment have someone show you or look it up online.

Missing one button is not button-LESS, it's button-LIGHT. Why didn't you just staple at the location of the missing button?