By Uglyshirts - 09/04/2009 08:44 - South Africa

Today, I was the first one to wear the ugly corporate shirts we received. The people in my office-all of them guys were all saying that it looked a lot better than they thought it would. Later that day I went to the toilet and saw the shirt gapes open in front and you could see my boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 834
You deserved it 18 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oooh_dear 0

how do you not look in the mirror before you leave?

xiloveyoux3 0

how did you not feel that and don't you look in the mirror?


oooh_dear 0

how do you not look in the mirror before you leave?

sexyandboard 0

I personally (depending if they were hot) would have asked how do I look and teased them to follow me then either have some fun or smack em;)

xiloveyoux3 0

how did you not feel that and don't you look in the mirror?

You deserve it. You should've noticed! How could you NOT notice?? idiot.

actually that happens with my school shirt and you cant see it in the mirror unless you're looking from the side and you can't see it when your looking down either

kwbuzz23wk 0
mrhahn530 0

Hey, just take the compliment lol.

piderman13 0

At least you know you made men happy without touching them... thats gotta mean something to you (;

YDI, you should of noticed it.. how do you not?

fenner_fml 0