By Aginsafa - 25/04/2011 11:41 - United States

Today, at work my boss told me I have been late, under-productive, and using up a lot of sick days. He says my job is on the line. My reason for barely showing up at work: I've been on maternity leave for 6 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 454
You deserved it 3 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You actually can't lose your job for going on maternity leave, go read the job rights poster, as well as any other state and federal laws and/or job policies.

burninnapalm 5

at least he can't fire you then, because if he does, than you can sue him for wrongful termination and never have to work again


Better start crackin' You got mouths to feed.

Mikekenny 0

sounds like a guy I fired today except for maternity leave

22cute 17

Um, yeah, real compassionate, folks. He should not be harrassing you or firing you, Op. that is grounds for a winning law suit.

You actually can't lose your job for going on maternity leave, go read the job rights poster, as well as any other state and federal laws and/or job policies.

As long as they are a full time worker, they can't lose their job for being pregnant. I got laid off when I was pregnant from a job I had been at for two years with no explanation other than "Well now that the holidays are over, we don't need as many people, and your sales aren't as good" That was a some BS.

Not all states require you to be a full time worker for pregnancy protection to take effect.

You can actually loose your job for this. They just have to fire you for a different reason on paper. You can fight it of coarse.

SuperDerp 8

41 and all the others who laughed: hella rude. grow up, idiots.

Agreed. That was rude and uncalled for!

Cjeezy 0

sorry don't remember asking you guys.. hop off:)

shaubygal 11

sorry Cjeezy I don't remember asking you to put the gayest picture you've ever taken on here as your profile pic you a gay Justin bieber wanna be so I will gladly to you to **** off!

nerdytacos 3
nerdytacos 3

oops I meant to say fyl stupid spellcheck

burninnapalm 5

at least he can't fire you then, because if he does, than you can sue him for wrongful termination and never have to work again

In that case I would be praying to get fired.

Stop with the wrongful termination crap. I hate reading this all the time. AT WILL EMPLOYMENT! Plus, even winning a wrongful termination case wouldn't give you enough cash that you could retire. You fail at law and math. lol

Idonebeenhad 17

106 - go choke on a fat baby chode

That was your attempt at an insult? lol

you fail 114 cuz if they win the case they can have enough money to not work for the rest of their life, it just depends on how spendrift they are, so if they spend little money or move to another country that their currency gives them the advantage it is possible, so you sir fail at reasoning possible scenarios.

Iswear 4

Not all states have at will employment.

Show up for work and ask him if he thinks you can actually work in this condition... wait, don't. He might actually say yes because he's an idiot.

Jrefinne 7

Kick him in the balls and ask if he can work in that condition.

The she gets fired and arrested for assault.

silentxninja 13
nerdytacos 3

He's and idiot... good luck with the baby<3

KaseyDollXoXo 0

that dude is way more than an idiot but I agree! good luck girl:)

Your boss is a jerk and is probably just looking for an excuse to fire your ass.

Um...sue him for what? Encouraging his employee to show up on time and be more productive?

In California it's just a phone call away

um... sue him because NO employer is EVER allowed to fire an employee because of maternity leave, that's why.

Yea, sounds to me like he was just doing his job...probably should have saved the job threat as a last resort, but employee performance is his thing. He's probably just disconnected with his subordinates(like most managers in my experience) and had no idea she was on maternity leave. If OP provides the proper paperwork and reminds her boss of her situation, then he'll probably spew some BS to make himself not look like a dumbass and retreat back into his office, dropping the matter. If he persists, THEN its FHerL, and THEN she needs legal consultation.

JandM19 - reread the original FML. No one got fired.

You can actually make a complaint and sue about this kind of thing beacause everyone is entitled to a certainte amount of maternity leave.

instantmusic, I agree that's disconnection with subordinates/co-management is probably at fault here. However, it IS his job to find out more information on a case before he goes and threatens an employee's job. If he feels that she is late, out too often, not being productive, etc., and is considering firing her, he should talk to her supervisor before talking to HER in order to keep things like this from happening. I don't care if he's never even talked to her one-on-one before, let alone keeps track of why she is out of work...this is a pretty big mistake to make, and it does not say much for his ability as an employer/boss.