By Anonymous - 26/07/2009 13:05 - United States

Today, it was my boyfriend's birthday and I saw he was logged in on ooVoo. He sent me a request to video chat so I decided to take off all of my clothes to surprise him. Little did I know, his entire family was at his house and at the computer because he, "wanted to show them what a great girlfriend I am." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 164
You deserved it 75 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you showed them just how great of a girlfriend you were. Mission accomplished it seems to me.

MusicMan7187 3

lol YDI for not waiting to see who's at his computer before the clothes come off


MusicMan7187 3

lol YDI for not waiting to see who's at his computer before the clothes come off

but he should've at least warned her. What if she wasn't wearing a nice outfit, or the room she was in was a mess. He's gotta give her a heads up.

newbzoors 0

I was about to give this a YDI but i think you are right. The video chat involves her, not just him. He should have given her a warning

I put YDI for this comment made me change my mind.

chocoLIFE_fml 2

i know YDI because what #1 said and it might have been someone else on his account...

I don't see the problem here you Sound like a good girlfriend to me

Laxer21 0
fckinbowdown 0

well I think you definitely gave him and his family proof that your a great girlfriend ;)

But if the family was right there, how would he have said it," Oh yeah don't get naked infront of me, my family is here." it would just sound weird xD

shyeahh_fml 19

But he wasn't expecting her to do that. Even with family present, he could have casually sent a "Hey, I'm going to call to show you to my family" sort of message so she had a little warning, like previous commenters have stated.

I think you showed them just how great of a girlfriend you were. Mission accomplished it seems to me.

tinyphreak 0

Exactly what I was about to say. xD

Young_Sparta 0

like the genius said, mission accomplished

ya great girl freinds always try to be sexy

islaphippos 0

holy shit do you have a sister?

Are you asking because her sister might also be easy, or cause then she could say it was her sister...? Either way, nice thinking xD

midnighthammers 0

at least his dad will appreciate you.

Maybe his sister and his mom- Polysexual families are hawt!

That's such a slag-ish thing to do YDI


Looks like #7 no kissy kissy too much, huh?

i just finished my fav anime inuyasha im watching bleach and need more show ideas

fmyfylx3 0

worse then me finishing all episodes of inuyasha btw need new ideas for shows like inuyasha comment and tell me

ummmmmm......... YDI wait till u know hes the only one there, it coulda happended before to with his friend or something..... next time just go to his house and give him some birthday sex instead !! xD :P :P:P

Iloveyencheck 0

girl you know I I I girl you know I I I