By Anonymous - 28/01/2017 14:00

Today, it's the 8th day in a row that my mother-in-law has made me drink laxative tea. I still haven't pooped yet and I'm terrified of what's to come. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 469
You deserved it 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's to come is the hospital, because 8 days is long enough to be a sign of something seriously wrong


Laxative tea or no, you should've gone to the hospital after not pooping for FOUR days

RpiesSPIES 27

If you're taking any pain medication, stop. They can cause constipation.

I was in this exact position, and let me just say that the 6 days of constipation was worth the relief the pain pills brought. Hell, because it was my back that was ****** up and any slight movement caused me excruciating pain, the constipation was even welcome because it meant not having to get up to poop.

Ashley613 9

In the future try coffee or apple juice. They work magic on the system.

such things can sometimes have an opposite effect!

JCal585 8

Cheap beer usually does the trick for me. Lol

Where will you be, when diarrhea strikes?

zakariafrench 0

drink some hot water it works very well and it is better than chemicals stuff

zakariafrench 0

drink some hot water it works very well and it is better than chemicals stuff

If laxatives aren't working it likely means that you have a serious intestinal blockage and should really go to the hospital before it ruptures and you quite possibly die from sepsis.