By Anonymous - 28/01/2017 14:00

Today, it's the 8th day in a row that my mother-in-law has made me drink laxative tea. I still haven't pooped yet and I'm terrified of what's to come. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 472
You deserved it 661

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's to come is the hospital, because 8 days is long enough to be a sign of something seriously wrong


What's to come is the hospital, because 8 days is long enough to be a sign of something seriously wrong

It's beyond me how you could go that long without a visit to the doctor or hospital.

The rule of thumb I was told of you don't poop on the fourth day it's best to see a doctor.

Stop drinking the "laxative" tea. Since when do you trust a mother-in-law?

Believe it or not, some people's MIL aren't so bad.

writergirl1029 17

Yeah, my future MIL is awesome.

mandybee 12

Hi! Try fiber one bars or fiber chewable vitamins. I have had this issue before, and this is what the doctor said. Good luck!

flush often. I been there. you do not want a clogged toliet.

hammy55126 0

Hey, everybody. I'm actually the one who posted this. I finally did go, and I won't go into detail about that...but just the clear the air (no pun intended) I just got out of the military and my insurance was still being set up. Hence why I had the tea instead of the hospital. But everything is better now! Thank you all for the concern.

mermaidgirle 12

Friendly advice from someone who's struggled. Miralax is magic. My doctor recommends it; it's gentle enough for daily use if you need the regulatory, but still effective. And it's available over the counter. Good luck!

TallMist 32

Glad it has gotten better for you

Seriously, you could have an obstruction of the bowel... this sounds really serious

Yeah, people die from what you are describing. Get to an emergency room! Or at least call your doctor immediately!