By 00bsg - 21/12/2013 15:46 - United States - Salem

Today, it's my 21st birthday. All my friends and family said they were busy so I figured I was getting a surprise party. Nope. They all were actually busy. I spent my birthday alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 094
You deserved it 4 337

Same thing different taste


Don't worry OP, they're obviously not the people who deserve to have you as a friend! You'll find better friends :) Happy Birthday!

Why should your friends and family be obligated to celebrate your birthday? It's not like it's an accomplishment.

At you didn't spend yet 21st birthday on a deployment in Afghanistan

victorcaulfield 3

Welcome to the real world. Suck it up.

That's what bars are for... making new friends. happy birthday

I must be the only one who read it and thought OP is a girl.