By 00bsg - 21/12/2013 15:46 - United States - Salem

Today, it's my 21st birthday. All my friends and family said they were busy so I figured I was getting a surprise party. Nope. They all were actually busy. I spent my birthday alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 094
You deserved it 4 336

Same thing different taste


joeyl2008 29

I had to spend my 21st in basic training

Happy 21st! Now start planning an awesome first New Year's Eve when you can drink.

HammyBear13 8

Sorry, but at 21, birthdays stop mattering. Welcome to adulthood!

nhi1221 9

I'm sorry but happy birthday!!! (Ps birthday buddies!)

redwing_fml 1

happy birthday, don't let it get to you I stopped trying to celebrate mine.

Link/DD 13

Damn, they couldn't just take one day off of whatever they are doing to celebrate a friend's 21st birthday. Any way Happy birthday OP! :)

nolanj21 6

I spent my 21st alone.... I ended up getting drunk and watching **** all night... Lol

Girlie7 11

Aww....I know your feeling...don't worry...maybe they had some really important year will be better ...anyways happy bday to you!!

Firstly, happy birthday! Now, although I do believe that they did said they were busy, so you shouldn't have thought otherwise, but I do understand your disappointment. I hope that if you didn't find anyone to chill with, that you went to the bar and met some! Because, of course, you're legal now!

It's alright op ! Atleast you're not busy on your birthday ... Now that's would suck :) happy birthday btw