By britt71411 - 13/01/2012 17:17 - United States

Today, inspired by my own relationship, I encouraged my best friend to go after the guy she likes. She did, and I'm now single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 650
You deserved it 5 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ape1321 3

You don't need either of them anyways!

So your friend is a bitch and you were dating an asshole? Karma will get them. Be glad you got him out of your life, you don't need someone like that. As for her, you don't need a friend like that either. She was your "best friend" and she went after your boyfriend? Unacceptable.


ape1321 3

You don't need either of them anyways!

That's awful, I don't understand how someone could betray a friend like that. Such a backstabbing move

GovernorGeneral 8

What a bitch. She couldnt have told you who it was that she liked first before making a **** of a move like that!!?!??!??

From all the friends i've ever had in my life . I can tell you one thing OP true friendship doesn't exist -_____- maybe there is like 1% left, but it only happens to lucky people :(

ShroomsOnAcid 16

56, I see that you are 18, and I would like to say to you that it gets better as you get older. Unfortunately, I don't understand where the principle of maturity has gone, but it seems elusive nowadays. I used to hope I will live to see the day my peers reach the not-being-ignorant-***** stage of life, but I have yet to see that happen. I think the best advice I can give you is to choose friends with more life experience. Typically, those are the people who really understand the importance of true friendship. It's rather strange to me how everyone on the internet seems to be such a good, almost angelic friend, yet when you walk outside, such people are quite far and few in between.

NessaRose4 7

With friends like that, who needs enemies

Mandy0325 1

I'd flirt with him hella and even more when she's around;) that should teach her for stealing your man

GovernorGeneral 8


#116, Yes, that would work... If life was a rom-com movie!

88 and 56: I realize that a majority of the people we call "friends" really don't fit the bill of true friendship. That being said, true friends do exist. Immaturity, backstabbing, etc. are ridiculously common, but that's not a reason to discount the reality of real friendship. I can speak to maybe five people, over the course of my life, that I know I could count on for anything, and whom I have been able to count on innumerable times. However, they also know I'm willing to do anything I cam for them. Friendship is mutual. If you don't have any real friends, perhaps you should evaluate the sort if friend you are.

Geeez who does that!? >.[ I blame your friend and BF!!! Move on, there are more fish in the sea!!

LSU33DucKAholiC 0

^epic win! Love that movie :)

she obviously wasnt a good friend to do that. sorry op, youll get better :)

And her boyfriend wasn't exactly a keeper. :/

lorenzoman77 7

Anyone else notice this comment has 69 likes.

That happened to me! I totally feel for you! they're both cocks!

perdix 29

1/13/12. That's the first day I ever heard one girl call another a "****." I've got to keep that in my annals.

Swedude 5

So you're gonna keep her **** in your annals?

perdix 29

He didn't mean to write anal you douche

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Did somebody say "both cocks"? The only thing better than one **** is two cocks! Sign me up! Oh..wait...uh...

GovernorGeneral 8

*signs ShroomsOnAcid up* TOO LATE NOW MOTHAHFUCKAH >:{D

Lol at a glance I read this as - you're free to feel both their cocks! Haha

That sucks, But you're better of now without a a horrible friend, and a bad boyfriend!

perdix 29

Threesome? She's your best friend and he likes both of you. What's not to like about this?

Wow. You're definately not immature or anything. (sarcasm)

perdix 29

I can spell "definitely." Sharing is caring. I'm just saying ;)

I agree with perdix, a threesome seems like a very positive option to this situation.

You probably still watch Barney to help you go to sleep at night too. Just saying ;)

perdix 29

#19, so what if I do? It's not like I use it for masturbation material, like some people -- I'll bet Baby Bop gives you a boner, you dinopedophile freak!

Perdix is just messing around. It's a common theme here on FML, and there's nothing wrong with it

Still was a stupid comment, not that agree with Barney girl either.

Nice comeback 19, how old are YOU? 13? So mature.

sappy0 5

linnybear, a lil word of advice for ya.. Don't mess with perdix, aka anhialator of all arguments - you can not & will not win. I've seen him in action before & it all ends the same way - messy! ...just sayin

So your friend is a bitch and you were dating an asshole? Karma will get them. Be glad you got him out of your life, you don't need someone like that. As for her, you don't need a friend like that either. She was your "best friend" and she went after your boyfriend? Unacceptable.

Yeah, OP can be happy they killed 2 birds with one stone by getting rid of them both at once

That was kind of a bitch move on her part... Sorry OP.

RabidBunny 10

What's wrong with the single life? It gives you more YOU time :D