By ARGHHHH - 04/10/2018 05:00

Today, my mom ordered my birthday presents on eBay. Too bad she used my account, so when I went to look for ideas, everything she bought me popped up. It's so much stuff I don't want, need, or will ever use, and it's on my credit card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 447
You deserved it 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can you cancel the orders? If you can, do so and talk to your mom. Happy birthday op!

Tell the credit card company that somebody stole your card to make fraudulent, unwanted purchases - which technically is true.


Can you cancel the orders? If you can, do so and talk to your mom. Happy birthday op!

It’s the thought that counts. If it’s not, you can rat out your mom for identity theft.

Tell the credit card company that somebody stole your card to make fraudulent, unwanted purchases - which technically is true.

I’m assuming (correctly, I hope) that you didn’t give your mom permission to go into your electronic device or computer

kelardy 11

Or is that just the excuse she gave when you asked her about the purchases?

TomeDr 24

It’s your credit card so you can return everything or, if you can, cancel the order before it ships.

Being eBay, a lot of sellers won’t accept returns.

TomeDr 24

I guess it depends on how quickly the sales were discovered. If it was before the items were shipped, it would be a matter of having the sales cancelled and contacting the credit card company.

Jorn van der Ar 13

Should not have given her login data to your account.

happy birthday and the best gift; now you have 1 item for each her birthdays. so you don't have to buy her anything for years:)

If it's under your account just cancel it. Problem solved.