By GeneralElement - 19/02/2010 06:32 - United States

Today, in math, I was working on an assignment and this really cute girl comes over and says my name. At this point, my heart is pumping with excitement and I'm thinking she is going to ask for my number. She said, "Did you know someone drew a penis on your back?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 910
You deserved it 3 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i hate how everyone on this site thinks that a cute girl or hot guy talks to them because their gonna get laid, only to find out that their life is ******

perdix 29

The winning comeback: Well, maybe you'd like to draw a back on my penis?


Freddy3kid 0

Whenever people talk to me who arent my friends(as in i hate them cus i hate most people) i get pissed off. If it is a girl they useally yell at me for no retarded reason lol. One moment they are nice to me and we have a nice conversation then its WHY DO YOU HATE GAY PEOPLE MY COUSIN IS GAY lol. well that sucks. Me and my friends drew a penis on someones orange sweatshirt it was funny. I took his book burned it and soaked it in water than ripped it in tiny pieces. he now will owe the schoo like 60 bucks and their is no way he can prove it was me

You have just won two trophies. The honorary idiots trophy and the most random prepubescent act of being in the closet trophy. Congratulations you are most likely a mildly retarded gay child. I use the word mildly to understate the obvious here.

joemk2012 0

I agree with deadsrs. You sound like a douche. Care to add any more irrelevant comments?

My only question to the original poster of this comment would be; when you and your "friends" wrestle do you get a little excited? I think I already know the answer I'm just trying to help you get to your coming out party. This is in no way a diss on gay people. Only stating that most oppressed idiots with anger problems turn out to be gay and admitting that usually changes the persons attitude alltogether. It's okay... we accept you.

GeneralElement 0

Okay guys, enough of the name calling, and making fun of me. First off: I would have killed the kid who did that to me, but I have no idea who did it. The girl, doesn't know anyone's name. Only cares if she likes them or something, she may sound like a bitch, but that's besides the point. Talking to girls isn't a problem for me at all. I'm not a nerdy dude that can't stick up for him self, and can't talk to girls. I'm 6'4, and have substantially big arms. So small wimpy kid, I am not. No I'm not gay either, where did you get that deadsrs? At some point, I probably fell asleep in a class, and that's when it got drawn on me. I have a suspicion of who it was, but he claimed he didn't, but obviously that's a lie. I can't knock him out though, cause I don't know that he is the one who did it. I have a high self-esteem, and most people like me. There are douche bags in every high-school. Everyone damn one of them. So, even if you're a big guy like me(Not in a fat way, but in a tall, muscular way.) that don't cause problems with anyone, and have a high self-esteem, you're going to get picked on at one point or another. So please, get off my back. This comment was pointless, cause I know I'm going to get bad feed-back on this calling me a gay fag or douche bag. Or something. That's how a lot of people are on the internet. :| Just lay off. You don't know anything about me. Thanks.

please, man. stop it! i liked you somehow when i read u got nervous talking to a girl, but now that ya say that you are ALL TALL AND MUSCULAR it's kinda stupid and absurd.

joemk2012 0

dude that sucks but its part of being a guy... suck it up and sack tap the guy that did it... and there's still hope, she cares enough to let you know about your penisback...

Squeezeit 0

that's one of the 8 you'll eat in your sleep over your lifetime. apparently you tortured the bastard before swallowing it. win

lattermanlarry 0

im sorry that happened to you but you coulda took taht and turned it into something hiliarious and flattered her with it

doof_fisch 2

Some possible replies to her question: A. Yes, I hope you like birds because I am a ****-a-two. B. (In a high-pitched voice) What?! Just a penis? What happened to the testicles? C. Really? Get a grip! D. What? I must have put my shirt on backwards again! Thanks! I would have been confused not knowing which way to face the urinal!

GeneralElement 0

Lmao, that's awesome. Good come backs. :)

HOLY SHIT. I love FML. The puns and jokes are killing me.