By mocass’1 - 13/10/2008 08:19 - France

Today, in class, I was sitting next to the guy that I fancy. Shyly, I write our initials (L and A) into a heart on his hand to see his reaction. He said, "I love Los Angeles too!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 96 607
You deserved it 43 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slyvanilla_creme 0

i would have though it was i <3 LA too... unless you put L.A. (with the dots)....but that's like poking his time write "U" inside the heart

I don't think that's ever really a good way to let a guy know that you like him.


caseyn31 0

Today I wanted to read the first FML ever so I spent about an 2 hours scrolling down to the bottom of the pages on my iPod touch and hitting next page, until I realized I could just select what page I wanted to go to. FML

that's why you just tell him that you like hom

palatapus 0

*pointless post just because*

OMG my comment is on the first FML ever!!!

axerza12 0

This Isn't the first FML..It's the 6th one.

thats correct, but where IS the firt one then? would like to read it, just so I can say I did XD

I found it on Yahoo! Answers, and here it is: "Today, I realized my life was so miserable, that i decided to make a website about how peoples lives suck. FML."

if this really is the first one, it's pretty cool, thanks:) (and also a funny this-is-how-it-all-started story) XD

I don't no wut that meens because I'm only 12

hey123hey123 0

lol lol l o l l o l co l o l o l o l. o l o l o l llllllloooooollllllololololol