By BookBabe - 25/03/2012 15:34 - United States - Panorama City

Today, I wore my new Brazilian thong bikini to the pool for the first time. I was lying face down feeling so sexy, until flies started buzzing my butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 286
You deserved it 37 939

Same thing different taste



Keep that new bikini in the closet..

Maybe someone who lost their sense of smell will find you attractive.

You may think wearing skimpy bathing suits that expose your smelly as is ok, butt in reality, that kind of clothing is '

Check yo self before you smell yo self.

yourlifesfucked 0

Maybe she likes to smell like milk steak.

sillycart 9

Omg! With a side of jellybeans!

sillycart 9

69- sorry people put thumbs down for your comment. They don't understand. And they are missing out!

ewww id be careful, you dont want to be shittin maggots tomorrow.......

That's what happens when you have swamp ass.

fernclogger 5