By Anonymous - 14/04/2015 01:50 - Canada - Cornwall

Today, I thought my dad was finally showing interest in the business I started last year when he asked about my next event. Nope, he just wanted to know if I would hire his step-granddaughter. Her first question: "So, I won't have to do any like, real work right?" Gee, thanks Dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 362
You deserved it 2 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pay her in Monopoly money. If she doesn't do any "real" work," she won't get any "real money."

Just tell her that she doesn't have to work, "You just, like, won't get real paychecks."


hire her and make her job a living hell

SoapTurtle 7

your comment fits your picture lol

Never hire family. It almost never works out.

JustinJK 21

@47 - Most of my father's family runs one company/the couple of subsidiaries. I've been fired plenty of times by them though, lol.

NinjaBoyDavido 13

I think you should re read that, #5

SarahSehhati 40

Hire her and make her do lots of work. she will soon quit anf your stepfather will realize how irresponsible she is

nityasomaiya 46

That's if she actually ends up doing some work.

SarahSehhati 40

Exactly she will not want too and she will quit. I'm sure she would say something like "Ugh this is hard I don't want to do this". Dad is happy because he hired his step granddaughter but also realizes she's lazy.

I'm going to assume that OPs dad will complain to him about how he's working the granddaughter too hard.

Pay her in Monopoly money. If she doesn't do any "real" work," she won't get any "real money."

Fire her ass and ask your dad to recommend someone competent.

Just tell her that she doesn't have to work, "You just, like, won't get real paychecks."

The apple clearly fell far from the tree

Well she's a step granddaughter so there's no blood correlation between them

I was referring to ambition between OP and the dad