By thrifty gone wrong - 28/01/2013 17:24 - United States - El Cajon

Today, I received a birthday present from a friend. It was the very same gift I gave to her for Christmas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 042
You deserved it 4 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Give it back to them for their birthday.

They liked it so much they got you one!


They liked it so much they got you one!

if it was the same one, I doubt it was used...

There needs to be a punctuation mark for sarcasm.

Give it back to them for their birthday.

That could become their new tradition! Each of their birthdays, they could keep re-gifting it to eachother.

Exactly, this doesn't have to be an FML. Put it this way: they just saved a ton of money on presents.

killer6969 16

It's been fewer than five weeks, how'd she think you wouldn't notice or remember? Some friend.

She probably did remember, but just wanted to drop a hint..

Take advantage of it! Hopefully the "gift" has a good use for you.

Damian95 16

It's kinda like herpes, it's the gift that keeps on giving!

oj101 33

Taking frugality to a whole new level.

I guess the recession hit harder than I thought.

oj101 33

#29 - There's still a recession?!

The spirit of giving is not exclusive to Christmas, look how generous she is being!

It's the thought that counts... **** that, what an asshole!

Gift recycling: she's doing it wrong. Lol