By Anonymous - 11/03/2015 15:26 - United States

Today, I got in line for my flight to visit a friend in England. My mom was there to see me off, and decided to shout "No sex!" while waving, in front of at least a hundred people who will very likely be sharing the transatlantic flight with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 742
You deserved it 3 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So much for joining the Mile High Club. :(

Who cares? The great thing about flights is you can talk about whatever you want, because it's unlikely you'll ever see any of those people again.


martin8337 35
colton_colton 49
CurlyQute 17

Looking out for you and embarrassing you at the same time. :)

So much for joining the Mile High Club. :(

Who cares? The great thing about flights is you can talk about whatever you want, because it's unlikely you'll ever see any of those people again.

Well so none of the passengers will risk the wrath of your mum but there are 60million people in the uk so you're probably still in with a chance with some of them :)

Mile high club! It doesn't count in international sky's.

Yeah. It's actually called the 1.609 km club.

I'm american man. For some reason we all have to be dumb an learn two systems of measurements. 5280 feet club

And let's not forget that most commercial flights are around the 34000-42000 ft mark so it's really the 6.5-8 mile high club.

Ouch, lol. I hope it wasn't too awkward, OP.

assassinbanana0 20

Obviously it was, hence this fml

I meant I hope the flight wasn't too awkward.

If it makes you feel any better you'll most likely never see any of these people again