By NickJJ - 16/05/2014 02:34 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I woke up to somebody shaking my shoulder. I had slept over at a friend's house, so I assumed my friend was just fooling around. With my head under the pillow, I swung my hand at his face then gave him the finger. Turns out, my friend left for basketball and I had slept in. It was his mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 491
You deserved it 18 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't feel too bad about it... its a lot of people's first feeling when waking up. They just may not express it so colorfully... Hopefully his mom had a sense of humor about it!

Hopefully, mom has quick reflexes and a good sense of humor.


Ya #1, i feel you. If only there was a voting option for this? WHY FML?!? WHY?!?

Ya it does suck, OP had a chance with his friends mom and basically threw that option away.

ThatOneGuy719 16

Maybe your friend was trying to be nice and let you sleep in?

ElementaryEdGuy 18

"Wake up!" "What?" "You can sleep in as long as you want today." ...what?

I think #2 means that the friend was trying to be nice by not waking OP up and leaving his mother to do it while he was at basketball.

ThatOneGuy719 16

That's what I meant haha, probably should have specified

I wouldn't feel too bad about it... its a lot of people's first feeling when waking up. They just may not express it so colorfully... Hopefully his mom had a sense of humor about it!

I don't think slapping someone is a good response. Maybe a "leave me alone" instead at least...

Hopefully, mom has quick reflexes and a good sense of humor.

I'm sure his mom will understand it was nothing personal against her.

Your friend was shooting hoops while you were shooting birds...

dakid87 10

apologize to the mother and also the friend. I'm sure they will understand

"Hey buddy I'm sorry for giving the finger to your mom. I thought it was you" I'm not sure how that would benefit snyone

For a moment there, I read it as sorry for fingering your mom. Woops ;)

My Old man told me I once cursed and tried to hit him when he woke me up. I did not remember doing so. Strange.

sunnysideup25 7

Ouch. Well.... What if your friend was stiffler?

That sucks, maybe she will laugh it off with you?