By Anonymous - 08/08/2009 11:49 - United States

Today, I woke up in my friend's living room after our sleepover. I heard her hot older brother and his friends in the kitchen. Feeling confident, I exposed my midriff a little bit just to give them a peek. They groaned and threw a blanket over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 874
You deserved it 64 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait, you exposed your midriff because you are feeling confident and wanted to give them a little peek? What are you, Amish? Here's a tip, no one cares.

Ah, the embarrassing issues of growing up. D: She's probably 12 or 13, which is why the group groaned in horror and threw the blanket. XD


sofarsogood 0
monkeybanana 7

that's exactly what I was thinking haha.

Better than being a human shit-stain like myself, eh OP?

Wait, you exposed your midriff because you are feeling confident and wanted to give them a little peek? What are you, Amish? Here's a tip, no one cares.

Uh, lemme check; does that count as being ****`ish.? Hitting on your friend's brother.? xD

Ah, the embarrassing issues of growing up. D: She's probably 12 or 13, which is why the group groaned in horror and threw the blanket. XD

jord01 0

that's what I was thinking!

RR05 0

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yeah well being skinny and a **** is a bad combination too. Neither of them are good.


babyk41896 0

141 of coarse u agree with 41 just look at ur pic it Screams *****! but really midriffs shudnt show unless it's Halloween or summer time and not at all if u have jiggle or fatt that's just nasty!

161, I like how you can call 141 a shank, and you don't even have a picture to show. you probably just enjoyed her "little peek". you have NO room to talk. that is all. (:

shadexilmaendu 4

That's right, only men can express their sexuality like animals and get away with it, us girls better stop enjoying our bodies and get back in the kitchen. Sorry, but I'm the type of person to give no ***** what people think and won't supress my sexuality to satisfy those who have repression issues. I'm a woman, I enjoy my sexuality and that doesn't make me a ****, I surely don't ***** around with many people or practice unsafe or unclean sexual practices. Before like 20 people jump down my throat about being misanthropic, I'm about willing to bet that at least as many if not more females ate the ones I generally observe more frequently complaining about *****. Coincidence? Maybe. Would require an extensive psychogical study I'm sure. And dudes, I know gender roles are ****** up whichever way you slice it. Men have their own shit to deal with; I'm not some feminazi :p Interested in gender studies though

#188 I couldn't have said it better myself.

It's better she has not picture then have a fake.

error404n0tf0und 21
triplethreat13 0

uhh weird. to them, you're just "my little sister's friend," definitely not "the hot girl that spends the night here"

I think you meant "my friend's little sister"

No, he was right, this is a person who stayed over at their friends house talking about hat friends older brother

YDI for trying to live out your Clay Aiken sexual fantasy.