By 44haley44 - 12/07/2011 17:25 - United States

Today, I woke up to my pants off and my vibrator still on. I fell asleep masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 726
You deserved it 57 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kraine0712 2

Wow poor vibrator. This should be the vibrators FML. Today, some chick was using me and it was going really well. Then she fell asleep with me still running, now my batteries are dead. I have a job interview tomorrow. FML.

ayooBrandon 12

I can't imagine how wet your sheets are


Aryan_Sheen 0

hey, if you're a guy it's way worse.

Ew. I hope you don't have anybody living with you that could've walked in on that. Creepy.

O.M.G it's blue. blue blue blue blue blue blue not green. close to navy. fosters home for imaginary friends. hot in topeka. second coolest character next to cheese. BLUE IS IN THE BUILDING!!!!

can't I just dream without being criticized by the cruel world within FML?!? no? ok no problem.

lmaoatall 6

I don't know why, but the first thing I thought of when I read this post was the folgers coffee jingle.... the best part of waking up is a ***** in my cu.... wait a minute, I maybe onto something for my work at the ***** factory. thanx op. I smell a raise!!!!!

Coffee, vibrator, they both give you a buzz in the morning.

Maybe you should upgrade to one of those drilldo's. It must not be a very stimulating vibrator if it put you to sleep. Just an idea.

shaala_fml 0

I gusse it was not that good if you fell asleep lol(:

Jmiah 2

Lol the awesome boners posts twice and gets into the positive for both, others post twice and they get the 'hidden due to votes' message lol boners you rock