He'll understand when he's older

By Anonymous - 02/05/2020 17:00

Today, I was reading one of the numerous Thomas the Tank Engine books to my 3-year-old, train obsessed, nanny kid. They needed tinder to relight Thomas's firebox. I laughed when reading this and told him, "I have Tinder too!" He's convinced I'm a train. FML
I agree, your life sucks 550
You deserved it 1 740

Same thing different taste

Top comments

“Daddy, daddy, the nanny has a tinder! You want to play train with her?” This will make a great start to a **** plot; you better get your caboose warmed up.

ViviMage 39


bloopaloop 27
ViviMage 39
WistayShlaio82 13

Sadly, most people don’t know why tinder (the app) is called tinder. Poor city slickers.

bloopaloop 27

I’m surprised you even know what the app is.

“Daddy, daddy, the nanny has a tinder! You want to play train with her?” This will make a great start to a **** plot; you better get your caboose warmed up.

slowhandjp 16

The definition of Tinder is that dry material that burns easily and can be used for lighting fires.

and that's the only tinder I'll ever play with again.