By drugged_on_arrival - 10/09/2009 10:55 - Virgin Islands British

Today, I woke up at my crazy ex-girlfriend's house, naked and disoriented. You know, the kind of crazy like we-didn't-break-up-it-was-just-a-fight-now-we-can-get-married crazy. She says everything's fine now and she's so glad we've "started our family." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 216
You deserved it 16 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anon17564 3

I think being drugged and raped is a bit too much for just FML... Go to the ******* police.


hehe.... now thats what i call though love.... but seriously this made my jaw drop and the cops :o

If you were really drugged and she had sex with you, what she did is considered rape. If that really happened, call the police and get a lawyer for a restraining order. Of course, the naughty part of me wants to say, "YDI for having a girlfriend." Or even "YDI for being straight."

Leave her a lone for a few months, then come back and wail on her gut till you're out of breath. That should sort things out

tradit03 0

you wouldn't have been hanging out with her if u didn't have a grain of emotional connection to her. but u did an knowing that there was a reason in the first place to make her your ex, she responded by doing what she did. it was a risk u took.

pwnage79 0
tradit03 0

you wouldn't have been hanging out with her if u didn't have a grain of emotional connection to her. but u did an knowing that there was a reason in the first place to make her your ex, she responded by doing what she did. it was a risk u took. if I posted this multiple times, sorry. somehow my responds are not saving.

tradit03 0

you wouldn't have been hanging out with her if u didn't have a grain of emotional connection to her. but u did an knowing that there was a reason in the first place to make her your ex, she responded by doing what she did. it was a risk u took.

pwnage79 0


you insensitive, ignorant piece of work. You don't know HOW it happened and even then, rape is NEVER the fault of the victim.

Feminist19's post is no different then any of the other examples of bigotry out there currently. If someone doesn't agree with you, it's easier to call them a racist, sexist, ageist, etc. then to actually confront the issue at hand, just as feminist19 is doing here. Give it up, you're pathetically stupid feminist19. If a woman was in the same situation, you would have jumped all over it as "just another example of why men are pigs wow, hypocrite. if someone doesnt agree with you its easier to call them something, you called me pathetically stupid. and not confronting the issue, you didnt say anything about the op's scenario, just created a new one where a woman is raped. well done

Why did you feel the need to post this twice? It was stupid enough the first time.

You seem to have quite alot of friends feminist19