By Anonymous - 27/06/2019 14:30

Today, I was so disgusted by my own body, I took a shower in the dark so I wouldn't have to look at myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 841
You deserved it 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to love yourself. Everyone is different and that is okay. appreciate yourself, I believe in you.

7991ffokcufehtteg 3

Unfortunately this behavior isn't always due to weight. OP may have a mental illness or trauma that occurred to shower in the dark. I did the same thing when I was healing. It gets better OP. Whether it is due to weight or other causes, keep tearing into life with a vengeance.


404wan 19

Dont be Op! Its your body and does uncountable amazing things every day, like digest food, pump your blood around and carry you anywhere you want to go. If you dont like how your body looks, stop thinking of it as an esthetical feature and see you body for the powerful machine that it is. We are all the apex predator of this planet, no matter what we look like. An ugly lion is still a motherfucking lion!

You need to love yourself. Everyone is different and that is okay. appreciate yourself, I believe in you.

7991ffokcufehtteg 3

Unfortunately this behavior isn't always due to weight. OP may have a mental illness or trauma that occurred to shower in the dark. I did the same thing when I was healing. It gets better OP. Whether it is due to weight or other causes, keep tearing into life with a vengeance.

pineapplepuswah 1

That's really sad. You need to get help for your poor body image issues asap! You don't deserve to feel that way.

postpunkfunk 16

Don't be so hard on yourself OP!

pins91 27

Oh. That’s actually really sad. Why are you so disgusted by your own body?

slkeithh 14

Your body does so much for you. Truly think about the immense amount of cellular power it takes to even keep you moving, alive, able to shower. You are beautiful and amazing, no matter what you look like. If it's weight, it can be lost. If it's purely psychological, you can overcome it. A war with yourself is the biggest one you will fight but it is the absolute most rewarding victory. You can do it.

that seems kind of silly. if you dislike your body that much maybe you should do something about it.

You assume they CAN do something about it. My cousin has a disease that makes it impossible for her body to process protein. As a result, all her limbs are malformed because of non-existent muscle growth and the only way she can get calories is from fat and carbs. When one of my students started getting psoriasis, they spent years trying to find the right meds to treat it. Nothing did. Anytime they caught their reflection in something they broke down crying because she saw herself as “lizard girl.”

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31
gianluca05 1