By gingerlover01 - 30/01/2016 15:57 - United States

Today, when I went to see my therapist, she handed me a tube of tooth paste and said, "Please use it". FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 197
You deserved it 9 019

gingerlover01 tells us more.

I love how politely that was put but I do brush my teeth I just drink to much coffee and tea apparently

Top comments

snarkytruth 37

At least she gave you good advice you could use.

If she's going to assume that you don't brush your teeth; then go out of her way to get you some toothpaste, she could have at least bought a toothbrush to hand you along with it. She half-assed her bitch move. Just saying.


cnbcad 15

Halarious. I've always wanted a humorous way of telling someone their breath needed attention

snarkytruth 37

At least she gave you good advice you could use.

I don't think that's the advice that he wanted though. But if he was seeing a therapist because he had trouble making friends or something, now he knows why.

Better her saying it than anyone OP dates.

Not sure whether to laugh or feel bad for you, OP. You do brush your teeth regularly though....right?

actually I do I just drink a lot of coffee

As an avid coffee drinker I suggest chewing Orbit gum. It is sugar free, keeps your breath fresh, and one piece can last me 18 hours. I'm 29, have never had a cavity, my teeth are white, and my breath is fresh. It also helps to keep you from snacking.

And with that response OP, I feel bad for you. Because it's not a personal hygiene problem anymore. Maybe make it a habit to rinse your mouth after drinking coffee though, so the stain doesn't set in. I'm assuming that's the problem and not actually bad breath. :)

#38 That's why at coffee places you usually get a small glass of water served with every cup of coffee. You are supposed to drink it after the coffee to help with coffee breath and staining.

pandainspandex 19

#41 What the heck kind of coffee places do you go to? My local Starbucks sure doesn't do this.

#43, mine does. As do all coffee houses in my area I've ever been too. But then, I live in Austria, near the Italian border, and as such coffee places here are influenced by viennese and italian coffee culture.

Well that's what you're paying her for: good advice. It may hurt, but take it. If it's truly needed and not just a cruel jibe, your life will improve.

accepting bad breath is the first step

To whom your comment was directed? OP or the therapist?

Uhm, we don't know if she actually just holds a grudge against you or you really didn't brush your teeth. If its the latter, you deserved it.

On the bright side, at least she helped you out with one of your problems

If really she said it that way, you need a new therapist. People go to therapy to help them feel good, not to get put down.

I don't really understand why you were down voted so much. I've regularly gone to therapy and if my therapist ever handed me toothpaste with a rude remark, I would talk to someone else.

pharaohasphuck 10

It's the truth though. I understand that she could have said it in a less savage way but if you don't like the truth, you can live with a disgusting smelling breath that will seem less attractive towards others.

If she's going to assume that you don't brush your teeth; then go out of her way to get you some toothpaste, she could have at least bought a toothbrush to hand you along with it. She half-assed her bitch move. Just saying.