By Anonymous - 26/10/2009 14:43 - United States

Today, I witnessed a homeless man fall off of his bike and land face first onto the pavement. Bleeding and shivering in the 40 degree weather, I gave him the coat off of my back. He got up like nothing happened and sprinted away with it. Oh yeah, my wallet was in the inside pocket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 887
You deserved it 33 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Isn't if funny how the world works sometimes? You try to do something nice, and you get screwed.

CaptainPat 0

Idea. Get on the bike and chase that hobo, then ghost ride it into his ass.


Isn't if funny how the world works sometimes? You try to do something nice, and you get screwed.

Gavik 0

I sir, find nothing the least bit humorous about about another man's misfortune. For shame.

The old pretend to be a homeless guy and fall of a bike in 40 degree weather trick never fails!

dcbog123 0

well chase his ass down you dumbass, YDI for real, you bitchass pussy

Not sure if it was edited or not, but from the way I'm reading it, it's fine.

I don't know if 'Chasing his ass down' Is the solution for everything..

mylifeftw 0

#2 if you don't find anything funny about other peoples pain, why are you on this site? O____o

This was in Michigan. Everyone is homeless there.

Did you keep the bike the homeless man fell off? as if he ran away...

Veritas143 0

Thank you for pointing that out..also was he giving him the coat for a few minutes to warm him up or what? If you're going to be generous you might as well have given him the coat anyway..without the wallet preferably

I'm just confused about the OP bleeding from the cold weather.

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed the dangling modifier.

ahh FML you never fail to deconstruct internet grammar. It's what I love about you.

he was bleeding from falling not the weather

perdix 29

That's a tough way to get today's crack money.

CaptainPat 0

Idea. Get on the bike and chase that hobo, then ghost ride it into his ass.

unhappyperson 0

That was a nice thing you tried to do. I'm sorry it kind of backfired. But was a nice thing. I will not judge you unfairly here.

letitbe56 0

I'm surprised the YDI's surpass the FYL's on this one. "YDI for trying to act humanely towards another human being. YDI for doing for someone else what you'd want done for you." This is an FYL, for sure. At least you can report the wallet stolen, and give the police a description. The homeless in my city tend to be found in the same place day after day, so if you can say where it happened, chances are they'll find him around there.

To paraphrase: "I gave a homeless man my coat, with my wallet in it, to keep him warm for a few minutes, intending to take it back from him and make him feel colder than before. Then, to my complete surprise, he ran away with my coat! FML"

perdix 29

Your use of racist slurs is very uncool. And unnecessary. I expect better from you, pimpin.

Sad that our world is so ****** up that people's feelings of "he should of known better" overcome their sympathies for a man that was trying to be kind. Should of known better not to trust another human being, I guess. FYL, and F the way this world thinks.

star_ver 0

You should "of" paid attention in elementary school grammar lessons.

That old saying "no good deed goes unpunished" fits here. Somewhere in Michigan there's a bloody, soaked hobo running around in a nice jacket, buying dinner on your dime!

perdix 29

Yes, but he lost his bike. Undoubtedly, a piece of finely-tuned mechancial perfection. Plus, he has to still live in Michigan. Gack!

Well, if he had taken the bike, the OP could have followed the squeaking and grinding sound of rusty pedals to pinpoint the perp!