By Anonymous - 26/10/2009 14:43 - United States

Today, I witnessed a homeless man fall off of his bike and land face first onto the pavement. Bleeding and shivering in the 40 degree weather, I gave him the coat off of my back. He got up like nothing happened and sprinted away with it. Oh yeah, my wallet was in the inside pocket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 885
You deserved it 33 964

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Isn't if funny how the world works sometimes? You try to do something nice, and you get screwed.

CaptainPat 0

Idea. Get on the bike and chase that hobo, then ghost ride it into his ass.


When will people learn? Never trust the homeless, it's the first thing you learn in boy scouts.

Awwwww, poor guy ): And u were only trying to help... If i was there i would have given u a BIG hug =]

waterynuggets 0

Oh FFS. Didn't you learn anything from Titanic? When Rose was about to board a lifeboat and Cal came up and put his coat on her and pulled her away from Jack and whatever, and when she got on the boat she was looking at Jack and realized she didn't wanna leave him so she jumped back on the ship. She met up with Jack and Cal saw them and starting shooting them. They got away, and Cal started laughing. Lovejoy asked him what could possibly be funny, and Cal said, "I put the diamond in the coat. AND I PUT THE COAT ON HER!" Duh, dude. Duh.

wow. fyi 40 degrees is t- shirt weather. grow a set of balls and man up to your 40 degrees. try -40 degrees man.

so I'm guessing you mean 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Because I was thinking Celsius. haha I was like okay, he's shivering in the monstrously hot?

Nesyaj0 0

I see everyone's point here It's a FYL cuz the dude stole yer coat and wallet when you tried to help. But it's also a YDI becuz 1- It's a hobo with a bike. If he's homeless why does he own a bike? There's a chance he alrdy owned it, but chances are he stole that too. 2- You forgot your wallet in your coat... Put it in your back pocket next time.

YDI for being outrun by a homeless man who just faceplanted.

A year ago I walked right by a homeless man lying in the middle of the sidewalk because I thought the same thing might happen. I still think about it to this day. I don't know which one of us is better off.

xbox_playa 0

I dislike people like poster #51, because this isn't really a conversation site where you explain EVERYTHING OP did wrong. this site is ment for people to let other people laugh at others misfortunes, not for explaining everything the did wrong. jeeeeeeeeez

dochoc_fml 0

he's homeless right? can't be that fast