By Shobz - 26/10/2009 16:04 - United Kingdom

Today, I went home early from a business trip to find my house covered with rose petals. Thinking it was a romantic notion from my boyfriend, I went up to the bedroom. I opened the door to find him lying there, getting it on with my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 642
You deserved it 2 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jector25 0

That sucks n I would shank them


bubblybrooke 12

I agree, what a no-life, cheating, bastard! "Off with their heads!!!!"

plum_lovin 28

I understand that the boyfriend is a total douche nugget, but if I had a sister and she ever did this to me, I would never be able to forgive her. To my understanding, spouses cheat quite often but for the sister to do something that she knows would hurt you so much, yet still do it would be unforgivable. For me at least... others might have a different opinion. Plus you eventually have to talk and see them often, when for an ex you more than likely have minimal to no contact.

plum_lovin 28

I understand that the boyfriend is a total douche nugget, but if I had a sister and she ever did this to me, I would never be able to forgive her. To my understanding, spouses cheat quite often but for the sister to do something that she knows would hurt you so much, yet still do it would be unforgivable. For me at least... others might have a different opinion. Plus you eventually have to talk and see them often, when for an ex you more than likely have minimal to no contact.

plum_lovin 28

I understand that the boyfriend is a total douche nugget, but if I had a sister and she ever did this to me, I would never be able to forgive her. To my understanding, spouses cheat quite often but for the sister to do something that she knows would hurt you so much, yet still do it would be unforgivable. For me at least... others might have a different opinion. Plus you eventually have to talk and see them often, when for an ex you more than likely have minimal to no contact.

plum_lovin 28

I understand that the boyfriend is a total douche nugget, but if I had a sister and she ever did this to me, I would never be able to forgive her. To my understanding, spouses cheat quite often but for the sister to do something that she knows would hurt you so much, yet still do it would be unforgivable. For me at least... others might have a different opinion. Plus you eventually have to talk and see them often, when for an ex you more than likely have minimal to no contact.

plum_lovin 28

I understand that the boyfriend is a total douche nugget, but if I had a sister and she ever did this to me, I would never be able to forgive her. To my understanding, spouses cheat quite often but for the sister to do something that she knows would hurt you so much, yet still do it would be unforgivable. For me at least... others might have a different opinion. Plus you eventually have to talk and see them often, when for an ex you more than likely have minimal to no contact.

plum_lovin 28

I understand that the boyfriend is a total douche nugget, but if I had a sister and she ever did this to me, I would never be able to forgive her. To my understanding, spouses cheat quite often but for the sister to do something that she knows would hurt you so much, yet still do it would be unforgivable. For me at least... others might have a different opinion. Plus you eventually have to talk and see them often, when for an ex you more than likely have minimal to no contact.

plum_lovin 28

I understand that the boyfriend is a total douche nugget, but if I had a sister and she ever did this to me, I would never be able to forgive her. To my understanding, spouses cheat quite often but for the sister to do something that she knows would hurt you so much, yet still do it would be unforgivable. For me at least... others might have a different opinion. Plus you eventually have to talk and see them often, when for an ex you more than likely have minimal to no contact.

plum_lovin 28

I understand that the boyfriend is a total douche nugget, but if I had a sister and she ever did this to me, I would never be able to forgive her. To my understanding, spouses cheat quite often but for the sister to do something that she knows would hurt you so much, yet still do it would be unforgivable. For me at least... others might have a different opinion. Plus you eventually have to talk and see them often, when for an ex you more than likely have minimal to no contact.

jector25 0

That sucks n I would shank them

just shank it but shank it good (music starts)

A good shank, for a good *****, never hurts. :)

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Like they said. Swallow your pride and ride him like a stallion while giving you sister a proper fondle. Not like she's gonna get pregnant from you, is it? ;D

nitrogirl 0

get the rest of yer fam to join to XD

ya...have a menage a trois...hehehe (for all u ppl who dont know french.....that means threesome)

this isn't some weird porno, calm down.

perdix 29

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perdix 29

Oops, pointerdog, by bragging about your "perfect" LDR, you've brought on the wrath of the Evil Eye. I'll bet your sig-oth suddenly has the urge to cheat. For the record, I had a relationship where my girlfriend had to leave the country each summer for three years, and it worked perfectly. She left at my request because during the sumer, I sweat bullets. Literally. Little pieces of lead come out of my pores.

nategisawesome 0

Far out man! You need to get out of your house so much more! This chick didn't even say how long she was gone on the trip. so effectivly what you have said is women don't leave your men alone for any period of time they going to cheat on you! You must have some serious trust issues!

wtf #4? that is cheating, regardless if he was keeping in practice or whatever, which is a lame excuse. she did not deserve it at all, she is a working woman who was on a business trip which results in money. do u like money? i think so. that was kinda irrevelant but u get the point.

lilmisslovely13 15

in case nobody here knows, perdix is known for making jokes. they were obviously kidding, so calm down!!

Why the hell should she have to inform people of when she's returning to her OWN home? She shouldn't have to worry about finding out someone's cheating on her at their convenience

I've been in an LDR for two years and neither of us have cheated yet.... I trust that he would never do that.

jw90 18

that's wat u get for assuming things. fyl tho I hope u dumped his ass

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Wow. What you are saying is that this girl shouldn't have trusted her boyfriend. That's bull.

Take pictures and post it then say holding it up "pics or it didn't happen"

why would they be having sex in YOUR house? I've read so many of these "getting it on w my sister" fml's I just don't believe them anymore.

me and my boyfriend live together! And maybe I should have called ahead, so he'd know to hide his affair with my sister? I think I'm going to throw him out. Hopefully he'll get run over...

Just from that scene, that's completely awful!!! I imagine it would be hard to look at both of them again. Trust is trust. Its built by experience and time. U shouldnt have to police (by calling ahead) ur companion, who u live with in ur house together. Are u going to worry if ur not always with him? Ughhhh, lots of work to keep that both relationships alive and healthy. Respect. Yes?

Amen. What a skeevy boyfriend. You can do better. The sister, well, you can't get rid of her... but surely ostracizing them's what family's all about!

I agree with op, why should she have to call? By not calling she learned her boyfriend was cheating on her, with her sister of all people. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it a good thing so she can dump his ass?!