By liveforpeace_ - 28/04/2009 06:27 - Canada

Today, I went up to a secluded mountain my boyfriend took me to for our first date. As I saw another couple hooking up in the bushes, I phoned my boyfriend to tell him someone found our secret spot. His Bob Marley ringtone started playing from the bush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 235 392
You deserved it 13 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aouch.. poor you.. Well at least you know where you stand with this worm of a man.... And, btw, sorry to have to say that, but get yourself checked for STD, such a loser may have fooled around without protection...

don't worry about a thing because every little thing is gonna be alright


Scream "surpriiiiiseee!" and film the whole thing. He's a douche though :( Sorry, op...

lenaduchannes 4

Wow what an ass. I'm sorry. You should embarrass him publicly next time you get the chance. Expose him in front of everyone even his friends.

DoctorBassDrop 9
JudgeComrade 17

You expected something else from someone with a bob Marley ringtone...?

You went the same day to a place where your boyfriend and you had sex, and coincidentally he was there the same time with another???sounds like someone was following them. I'm guessing you did.

steps on simple revenge 1.act like nothing happened 2. ask him to take u to the secret spit so he can have fun ;) 3.find posion ivy plant 4.push him in 5.take his car 6.use secret spot with some other guy

Aero_x 21

Guess it's no secret anymore :(

first date and you guys already have a secret spot?

"hey honey, where are you?" "watching you bone a bitch in our special spot you twat" *sparta kicks them both off*