By StargazeKitsune - 31/07/2015 05:36 - United States - Kalispell

Today, as if having an old man shit on the floor of the busy restaurant I work at wasn't bad enough, my manager made a video commentating over the camera footage of me discovering said giant pile of shit, and shared it with the entire staff. This is going to haunt me forever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 300
You deserved it 1 914

StargazeKitsune tells us more.

Hey guys! OP here! So the burning question here is whether I had to clean it. I was *supposed* to help, but I gagged everytime I got within 10 feet of it, so I was spared for everyone else's sake. We didn't need two messes to clean...the video itself is a little embarrassing because I had literally NO idea what to do. (Never been trained in shit scenarios, surprisingly....), but everyone has good humor and their own horror stories to accompany it so it's pretty much like I've just become the weirdest celebrity ever. His commentary WAS really hilarious, though I'm not sure if he'll be posting the on Facebook or Youtube. He said he doesn't want one of his friends to see it and go "OH MY GOD THAT'S GRANDPA JIM!" But I have a feeling it'll still live in infamy for a while. Anyways, thanks for all the jokes guys! I've been laughing all day. I'll have to show this to everyone at work so they can get a kick out of it too. ;)

Top comments

He was practicing for his narration for National Geographic. "Watch the young female approach the scat sample left by the older, more experienced, male of the species. She inspects the feces and quickly removes it from her territory."

roselysunset 12

Please upload this to Youtube. I need to see your face as you stare down the poop.


Did you have to clean it? I really hope you did not have to!

Crap like this is why I quit working for a restaurant after a month

IAmzephyr 22

I never wanted to put up with this crap, so I never looked for work in restaurants.

Olliebob1619 13

This is the greatest thing I've ever heard. FYL

well that's gotta be one shitty restaurant, am I right?

Your profile pic fits your comment so well, lol.

You'll only have it haunt you forever if you choose to work there forever.

He was practicing for his narration for National Geographic. "Watch the young female approach the scat sample left by the older, more experienced, male of the species. She inspects the feces and quickly removes it from her territory."

No, definitely a David Attenborough voice.

Greatest response ever! Thank you for this!!!

Ask your boss to put the video with his commentary on YouTube.

I once found bloody needles and syringes in the toilets at work, I have also had to clean shit off the walls, I feel you OP.

Somebody injected themselves with something, presumably medication? and left the needles everywhere, and there was blood on them, and another time somebody pooped in the toilet stall but it was everywhere if you get me, not nice.

roselysunset 12

Please upload this to Youtube. I need to see your face as you stare down the poop.

Don't forget to share the link on your follow up so we know which one is you