By SadisticSatire - 11/10/2009 01:04 - United States

Today, I went to work to find two new beautiful trainees. I thought maybe I might be able to hook up with one of them, so I walk up and flash my blue eyes and begin to act like a gentleman. Not five minutes into our conversation the girls ask me if there are any cute guys working here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 324
You deserved it 39 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's what you get for being so damn cocky

You flashed your eyes? Can you teach me how to do that? Be handy for finding friends in dark pubs - "Just look for the flashing eyes".


YDI. How is this an FML for you? It's an FML for the trainee. Today was my first day of work at a new job, and some creep tries to hit on me.

yeah. can I have a job there op? she sounds sexy!

moonlight_daze 8

YDI for thinking you had a chance.

YDI, tbh, for getting your hopes up about it.

What if he had red, blue, and green eyes?

rbg... do colored contacts count too? :D

Icwydt. But a devilish hazel? That could work. Naw, I like your eyes just fine. :3

aww :D thank you! i try to flash em but most of the time the people i'm fluttering my eyes for ask if i'm okay and if i need to go to the bathroom to wash whatever it is that's in my eye... i always end up going just for the sake of not having to explain what i was doing :P but i know... fail :(

that's what you get for being so damn cocky

Sounds to me like they thought he was gay or they wouldve asked a female coworker

alphatoomega 21

Yeah, I was wondering why a girl would ask a guy about attractive males. Focusing on the attractiveness of one's own gender tends to be a female thing.

You flashed your eyes? Can you teach me how to do that? Be handy for finding friends in dark pubs - "Just look for the flashing eyes".

moonlight_daze 8

This is quite the burn. It seems to me like those girls were being cruel for the sake of being cruel. Although it is possible you were being creepy in some way. Speaking of which, Plethora raised a good question, how exactly does one flash their eyes?

I'm thinking flashing eyes is where you, uhm, give someone a stunning/piercing glare and blink in a flirtatious manor. Make eye contact, etc. Guys with blue eyes are good with those sort of... looks.

moonlight_daze 8

lol. I have blue eyes.. Or at least I think I do. They're kinda bluish green.

You should have reported this to the boss. The boss does not like ineffective and inefficient trainees to start thinking about hitting on coworkers already. With this you will build your trust with the boss and you might get a juicy raise soon.

but then he would also probably have to explain how the whole thing got started to begin with.. which was him going up to them first which is worse for a non-trainee since they should know better...

The OP was the first one to start looking for someone to hit on.

But the boss doesn't know that. He was just talking to them, you know, explaining the ropes. They brought up cute guys.

It's time to face it; nobody likes you. You are not a person to like. People can not like that which you are. You are perpetually unlikeable.