By kai - 27/01/2009 01:32 - United States

Today, the only guy who I ever thought liked me for my personality said he had something important to tell me. Later I got an e-mail from him saying he is "worried about me because I lack the skills to get along with other people." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 774
You deserved it 3 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He obviously does care about you - saying something like that to someone isn't easy. I don't think it means that he doesn't like you for your personality, or in fact, that other people don't; just that he thinks you have trouble forming friendships with other people because you are shy or don't engage with other people well. I am a bit like that and I know other people who are too. I think that, once you get to know them, they are the nicest people.

Many people lack social skills nowadays. Read all of the FMLs with text messages and internet messages.


He obviously does care about you - saying something like that to someone isn't easy. I don't think it means that he doesn't like you for your personality, or in fact, that other people don't; just that he thinks you have trouble forming friendships with other people because you are shy or don't engage with other people well. I am a bit like that and I know other people who are too. I think that, once you get to know them, they are the nicest people.

Not your fault. People are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. @ #2 - I know how she must've felt. I'm going through the same thing with my boyfriend. Luckily, he loves me enough to wait it out.

He wasn't saying it to be mean. And also why do girls have such a negative way of judging things honestly.

retoxified 0

Wait what out? For you to stop being an antisocial hermit?

Many people lack social skills nowadays. Read all of the FMLs with text messages and internet messages.

dancergirl743 0

I don't think this is much of an fml, he was just telling you that u need help on finding friends and shit like that, it's not a back thing to say

It's actually nice of him to at least tell you that...

AntiChrist7 0

It depends in how old you are and your attitude. There are things that have happened in my life that give me every reason to be antisocial/a bitch/a hermit but i'm still very social and outgoing. Also, I have a friend who is like you, except people (including myself) are losing sympathy for her, because people tell her constantly and try to help her, and this has been going on for years, but no luck, and she's old enough to know how to act like in public and in social settings with people, but she doesn't take advice. So before anyone can click "FYL" or "YDI", We need to know a lot more.

SittingInTheSky 6

Good for you, not in a sarcastic way, but **** you for giving up on that girl. Maybe she just needs more support, bitch! For ****'s sake, have a little faith, cockhead!

He clearly cares about you if he put up with you that long and didn't tell you there was something wrong with you

Figure out what you need to do to fix it