By sandyseashells10 - 13/11/2010 06:29 - United States

Today, I went to the waterpark and my kids were fighting so I grounded them both. We concluded the day by boogey boarding on a mechanical wave. There was so much water I didn't realize my boobs had completely fallen out of my bikini. As revenge, my kids didn't tell me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 770
You deserved it 20 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hungarian93 0

why wuld u ground them. then let them play more? makes no sense. bad parenting. ydi


Next time don't rely on someone else to tell you, and/or quickly check after doing something that might result in such a situation.

dude your like the biggest bitch on here. you take everything to serious

#52 Cinn is far from being a bitch, and I quite enjoy her comments-- they're much better than the barely legible "lol u deserved it" type of comments.

Very true. those do suck! but still it's like to serious

I think Cinn is intelligent. What's wrong with well thought out comments? If you'd rather read "derpaderp u such a dumass u deserv it u a horre" than go right on ahead. She isn't making you read her comments.

Fortuitous 0

Note: shut up if you don't know the difference between "to" and "too" as well as "your" and "you're".

tacobird123 7

Cinn is NOT a bitch, She's anything but that. I think Ignorance is mean,But not a bitch....

the guy isn't making you read his comments either, retard.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

83, not really. He posted it in reply to Cinn's comment.

ohthebloodygore 16
DevianceIsBliss 0

I like the fact that one serious comment = bitch. I'm not always serious, and I don't try and be preachy, I do try and help, and apologise if that is preachy. But I think I'll carry on the way I've always commented, some people seem to like it (and that's very much appreciated). And for those that don't, how difficult is it to skip my comments?

If I'm an idiot, ohthebloodygore, then so are you. ;)

RedPillSucks 31

bleaker95 - WTF is wrong with you. The woman is giving her opinion just like everyone else at this site. You don't have to read it or agree with it. For goodness sakes, every time someone give an intelligent or witty comment, some knucklehead starts wining about how bitchy or serious the person is. People can choose to be serious or funny. If you don't like it, don't read the bloody comment. There are many people who happen to like Cinns' comments, me being one of them.

you can't rely on someone to tell you if you don't know stupid twat.

my2centsworth 15

Are you saying that if you don't know Stupid Twat, you can't rely on someone to tell you? Are you signing your comment "stupid twat"? Or are you, perhaps, referring to Cinn as a stupid twat? I ask because it is difficult to figure out with the lack of punctuation. If the latter is, in fact, what you meant, I would like you to know that Cinn has a number of fans. I enjoy her comments. What's wrong with trying to find a solution or having a helpful hint? Some people take the world a little more seriously than others, but they have a great deal to contribute. Insulting them only makes you look small. I don't understand why some people need to harass others on this site. Obviously some of the back and forth is just good-natured banter, but some of it is ridiculously and unnecessarily cruel.

travelmage 0
lacejane 0

ydi. Who grounds their kids at the waterpark over a little argument?

sugarr0babby0 0

^ your shirt is a bit too low..

TheBestManEver 0

The kids were fighting with their FISTS, not their WORDS. You obviously haven't seen how two male siblings behave.

lacejane 0

it's not a shirt it's a costume and who cares big deal im showing a little cleavage I didn't ask for your opinion on my picture this is about the fmls not peoples appearance. get a life.

tacobird123 7

woah now you got her mad. JANE SMASH!

quit complaining. the rest of us are enjoying the view ;)

lacejane 0

it's not a shirt it's a costume and who cares big deal im showing a little cleavage I didn't ask for your opinion on my picture this is about the fmls not peoples appearance. get a life.

22- You kind of come off as a liar. In your profile it says, "Don't mess with me, and I won't mess with you." It also says, "People need to be a lot nicer in this world, some people just don't have anything better to do than to waste their time putting down others." Didn't you just contradict yourself by picking on #15? What did she ever do to you? You're right, people who put down others are assholes. Your words, not mine.

it wasn't a put down she was merely saying that if she hadn't realized how revealing it was she might want to try something more dignified. Or that's the way I see her comment at any rate

lacejane 0

it's not a shirt it's a costume and who cares big deal im showing a little cleavage I didn't ask for your opinion on my picture this is about the fmls not peoples appearance. get a life.

BigMikey92 0
carlosISBANNED 0

I see what you did there >:D ^^

really? damn this is WAY too subtle for me please, do explain :)

yes yes and send them to me fpr confirmation of some bullshit im to lazy to make up

kenjiisown 1

Awesome children you have there.

they stop fighting and worked together against you... didn't they :-)

Why didn't you leave as soon as you grounded them? That would've been the SMART thing to do. YDI.

my2centsworth 15

I agree. Delayed punishment is not as effective.

No wonder u can't control ur kids when u flash ur boobs in public, & please don't tell us it was an "innocent accident"

awks 0

this happen to my friend once when we were at swimming lessons.... with the class v(^_^v)♪

ew I hope for the sake of all people in that watermark that you're pretty young...