By Toolate - 10/10/2012 08:26 - United States - Bristol

Today, I went to the surprise birthday party of an ex I still love, though I'm the one who ended things. I walked in in time to see her screaming "Yes" to her kneeling boyfriend, her parents crying and applauding, and her brothers patting him on the back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 198
You deserved it 52 020

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry to hear that, but if you really loved her you wouldn't have let her go

CrassKal 27

You knew you would be asking for pain when you decided to go.


If your life was a romantic chickflick, then you and her would magically get together a couple of days before the (then cancelled) marriage. Unfortunately, this is real life and you destroyed your possible happiness all by yourself. If you love someone, don't wait so friggin' long to tell.

I know you still love her, but you shouldn't have went to her party. I hope things get better for you.

perdix 29

"Aw, Baby's first ***********!"

jem970 19

You will get no sympathy from me OP. If you loved her then you should have kept her and been the one on your knee in front of her. You are an idiot. Also, if you still love her and are playing a role in her life you could have been a constant source of heart-break for her, which is not cool.

Hope you didn't expect her to wait around for you, while you were exploring your options. She moved on. If you love her as you claim-- stop thinking of only yourself and be happy for her.

I love my girlfriend, if I were in your place I'd die a little. But dude! Why'd you let her go!

Schizomaniac 24

People seem to be slamming the OP pretty hard. I agree that if he ended things, he should definitely not be surprised that she moved on. No surprise there. She definitely shouldn't have been expected to wait around for him. But what is all this "If you REALLY loved her, you wouldn't have let her go" and "YDI for being an asshole" type crap? Sometimes shit happens and breaking things off might seem like the best option. Definitely circumstantial. You can't tell the dude how he does/doesn't feel.

everton99 16

Exactly! I was in the same situation with my ex. She and I had been arguing for weeks and even though I'd been having conflicting feelings for months I finally broke it off. She became a lot happier because one of my "best friends" asked her out a day later, and now I'm angry and bitter. Oh yeah this is 9 months later too.

That's true, but wouldn't you realize your mistake and try to talk to her again? I feel bad he is hurting, but I cannot see this as anything except YDI, sorry. If it was a medical issue, like someone said before, then you should still talk to your partner about it. I know it seems you are being selfless but it's actually quite selfish if that person loves you. If you truly love someone, you are with them no matter what. If they don't want to be with you, do your best to move on.

Sorry Buddy, but a big ole' YDI comes your way. You ended things and by your post it seems as though you didn't expect her to move on with her life (which she obviously did). Now you're whining like a bee-atch because she found happiness and your stuck at home on Saturday night amusing yourself by abusing yourself. Karma is a bitch and she just bit you in the balls big time. Maybe next time you'll think before you act.

Noor, you're not corrupt, your "special" in your own special sort of way...