USA! **** YEAH!

By dinkley7 - 20/03/2021 21:30

Today, at work, I had to tell someone to put out a cigarette. He yelled at me saying it’s a free country. I work at a gas station. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 071
You deserved it 68

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude. I work at a gas station. All of a sudden a customer and the pump caught fire. that was over 3 yrs ago. I still have a hard time pumping gas. I yell and cuss at everyone I see smoking at the pump. I

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Dude. I work at a gas station. All of a sudden a customer and the pump caught fire. that was over 3 yrs ago. I still have a hard time pumping gas. I yell and cuss at everyone I see smoking at the pump. I

Next time douse him with a fire extinguisher. I saw that happen on video.