By Higgs - 02/06/2009 19:10 - United States

Today, I went to the pool. When I hit the water the top of my swimsuit came off so I tried to put it on underwater. The lifeguard thought I was drowning and pulled me out in front of everyone. Topless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 127
You deserved it 6 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i suppose boobs dont make good personal floating devices

ahahahahahaha. stupid lifeguard. but maybe he was hot.....


I probably would have laughed really hard

Shizden 0
littlemisslee 0

Wow I've heard worse but yeah sorry for your funny fml.

cookie27 0

Awwh :( I'm sorry. Did you know anyone at the pool that day? I hope not.. :|

46... stop being a dumbass Of course some pools are indoors... Does she say this pool is indoors? NO! I WAS a lifeguard (now I have a real job) and loved jumping in the pool... Not to mention how boring it is to sit and watch people for hours and hours and hours... any action is better than that! Plus you can't argue the fact that it is STILL WORTH IT for any guy to see some boobs! (assuming they are not gay and she is hot)