By Anonymous - 07/05/2009 17:22 - United States

Today, I went to the pet store to get mice for my mom's snakes. While checking out, the guy working behind the register asked what kind of snakes I had. I told him they were my mom's and he mentioned this crazy woman that talks to her snakes. That's my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 761
You deserved it 4 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Minstrels 0

Why is it so crazy to talk to your pet? As long as you don't expect them to talk back, I see no problem. And if anything, it's more like "**** your mom's life", yo. :P Edit: I'm so glad jiequals3 got first and wasn't a dumb bitch and shouted first. Thank you, good person. :]

TornadoChaser 0

Most people talk to their dogs, snakes aren't any different. I would remind him that it's probably not a good policy to bad mouth costumers to other costumers. What is he going to say about you to the next guy in line?


sportyfreaK15 0

wooo wait ur MOM has SNAKES ?? wooow my mom would kill me haha

You buy pet mice for a snake to eat?

That was my first reaction... That seems kinda sick. :/ I mean, can't snakes in captivity eat other stuff?

they can eat other stuff, all animals can, but if you ever have to let them go I dout they'll find little cans of watered down processed meat product running around. best to keep their diet as natural as possible.

lifecereal 0

he works in a pet store. f his life

You shoulda yelled, "That's my mum you idiot!!" and ran out.

dose your mother happen to speak parstletounge? (I'm sorry, I'm a geek and I just had to!)

There's nothing wrong with talking to your pets. However, there is something wrong with bad mouthing a customer to another customer. **** your moms life.

He obviously doesn't understand Parseltongue

Your mum's a parseltongue? Damn, no wonder the muggles think she's crazy...

A lot of people talk to their pets. It's normal as long as you don't expect them to talk back.