By esv - 01/04/2009 09:18 - United States

Today, I went to the laundromat for the first time. I fit all of my clothes into two washers. Not knowing where to put the soap in, I asked a man doing his laundry, "Excuse me, where do I put the soap in?". He replied, "Ma'am, those are the dryers." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 592
You deserved it 80 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sofarsogood 0

god i hope you aren't older than like 12

WTF don't assume that's an industry standard, our washer is front loading


@ #104. Apparently, you AREN'T smart. You should have used "you're", instead of "your." If you're going to insult someone, then do it correctly.

xxxBEASTxxx 0
cocacola09 0

i dont think that this is reallly an FML. now you know what is the dryer and whats the washing machine, at least!!

Kind of a lame fml. That's just...mildly embarrassing on a totally understandable level.

:( I wish I had made it to being old enough to go to the laundromat (and being called "ma'am") without knowing the difference between a washer and a dryer. I think I was at least helping do the laundry by 10.

_Tigress_ 0

Seriously, learn to tell a washing machine from a dryer -_-