By Claire - 29/09/2010 05:59 - Australia

Today, I went to the beach with this boy I like. Not thinking it'd be anything more than a simple date, I didn't shave my downstairs. We were sitting on a towel and I laid down. Then he said, "Is there a squirrel in your pants?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 107
You deserved it 43 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you knew how revealing your swimsuit would be, therefore if you could see more hair than you wanted to be seen, you should have dealt with it. Though if he gets freaked out by something natural, you might want to reconsider his maturity levels. Unless he was just joking.

billywhyte 0

BAHAHA! wait....was there really a squirrel?


Give him up, you will never get anywhere with a guy that doesn't know the difference between a squirrel and a beaver.

RedPillSucks 31

What's the difference between A beaver A pussy A squirrel

Not just you, there are many levels of pun there. :P

IMO the only people allowed to give you flack for not shaving are people who shave. If a boy can't be arsed to tidy up his downstairs, he should shut up.

OP, you don't have to SHAVE. But at least clean that shit up so it's not popping out.

_Vamp_ 9

I agree with Mrs. Jane. Being completely turned off by that is not the problem. The problem was that he was not mature enough to hold his tongue about it.

zaharaMeeka 0

you ALWAYS should shave when you're wearing a swimsuit no matter what. no one wants to see that!

no matter what, u ALWAYS shave b4 a date and especially to go to the beach sheesh

YDI for not shaving, for being a mammal and thus growing hair in the first place, for going to a beach, for being a tranny (I know it wasn't a mound of pubes! it was your PEEN!), and for shoving rodents into your crotchal region.

RedPillSucks 31

sigh. I first read this as "...told us his erection" Mind over gutter.... mind over gutter.