By Anonymous - 01/07/2012 04:22

Today, I went to the beach with my boyfriend and family. My sister coyly pointed out the scratch marks down his back, hoping to embarrass me in front of my parents. The marks weren't from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 162
You deserved it 2 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's just nervous in his own skin around your parents. So he tried taking it off.

He must have been attacked by one of those vicious cougars, if you catch my drift.


Perhaps you gave them to him and didn't know it at the moment. That happened with my girlfriend and I. We were both like "what the hell?"

People need to understand something, there is a MAJOR difference from sex scratches down the back, someone who scratches your back (or himself) cause it itches, and cat scratches. Sex scratches will always be straight down and usually around the same area. If you're itchy the scratches wont be very visible, it will be more like a large red area because your'e stratching all over the place to get the itch. As for cat scratches, seriously? Have you people ever been scratched by a cat? They look NOTHING like fingernail scratches. The wound forms/heals differently and they are going to be very close together, not spread out like a human's hand. They will also be in several places (if the cat is mad and attacking him) and if it was an accidental scratch (like he's pickign it up and it claws into him to not fall) it will be in a small area, usually in the shoulder. I know this from experince since. I've had a cat shred my back before because my friend scared him and I was tryign to get him out of the room, it was almost as if I took a razor to my back and sliced it up, same thing happened to my left wrist too. It's not hard to distinguish the difference... I hope OP can and if he is cheating on her dump his sorry ass.

Bahk scrachaa! Bahk scrachaa! Bahk scracha? Bahk scracha? (peter's voice)

You decided to ask it here rather than google it, because...? "coy/koi/ Adjective: (esp. of a woman) 1. Making a pretense of shyness or modesty that is intended to be alluring but is often regarded as irritating."

Its probably not even what you thought it was

Both your sister and your boyfriend sound like jerks.

Don't jump to the conclusion that he's cheating on you. It could be from some sort if animal like his dog that jumped on him, or it could be from a previous girlfriend that he had before you. Also it could be from some sort of massage. You never know.

What? A previous girlfriend? From when, last night?

I guess you could say that.. your relationship? it got scratched.

dakelly_t 2

It could have easily been something much worse. Sucks your sister is trying to start things,,,, but you must be smart enough to analyze sex scratches vs non sex ones.