By clumsy - 10/03/2017 20:00 - United States - Stafford

Today, I slipped and fell on a piece of plastic. I thought nothing of it until I went to the doctor's and found out that I fractured and dislocated my kneecap. I'm now in a full leg brace and crutches. Prom is five days away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 118
You deserved it 491

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What do you mean you thought nothing of it? You didn't feel a dislocation and fracture?

Sorry to hear that op. I'm sure you will still look fabulous


don't let the cast get you down OP! hopefully your outfit fits just as nicely and you'll still look fab dancing in crutches! if nothing else, it'll definetly be a night to remember!

Sorry to hear that op. I'm sure you will still look fabulous

What do you mean you thought nothing of it? You didn't feel a dislocation and fracture?

mariri9206 32

Seriously. As someone who dislocated her knee, you'd know. And you'd know if it was fractured, too.

I got a boxers fracture (finger bone in hand bends basically) and it didn't start to hurt until 5 hours later because of adrenaline so I don't doubt not thinking much of a knee fracture and dislocation.

well.... if your dress is floor length you can still go and take pretty pictures.

Better to take care of it now than to wait and injure it more in the process (Take it from someone with personal experience in that dept.)

If Regina George can go to prom after getting hit by a bus then you got this, OP!

Aww, prom. The one most important day in the life of an American teenager. You'll have more parties with booze and sex in future, don't worry.

I've dislocated my kneecap without knowing it twice so I actually believe that bit. The fracture? Not so much, that takes force. You might be able to walk it off but you'd sure as hell know about it.