By dangit - 11/09/2011 05:58 - United States

Today, I went to interview with potential new roommates at a cooperative living house. I decided to bake cookies for everyone, and while touring the house, I forgot about the cookies and set off a small oven fire. All this after professing how responsible I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 040
You deserved it 14 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lindseyluvszac 4

Hurry and extinguish it and say 'That's what you do in case of a small fire.' So that would be the finale to your whole responsibilty speech


indielove 13

You should have looked at them and gone "quick test, who can put out that fire?" then proceed to act like it was on purpose.

I'm betting you got the weird roommate, the one who likes to count your freckles, and watches you sleep.

2 when she throws the cookies out Oscar the grouch will be happy with her.

I think the proper term is Vegetable monster.


Haha lol. Whoopsies. Wrong comment xD Let the negative votes rolllll

denvan 0

Oh yes very responsible of you. Pass a beer

Bbhd05 0

Well, if it is not "Dumb ass"... then what is it? An accident? No, a careless, avoidable accident that demonstrates EXACTLY the point that OP was attempting to make about responsibility. Dumb ass, half ass, brainless, stupid, careless. Call it what you want.

57 is right but 25, you can calm the **** down

danielreader22 4

Do better at what? Baking cookies?

lindseyluvszac 4

Hurry and extinguish it and say 'That's what you do in case of a small fire.' So that would be the finale to your whole responsibilty speech

somerandomdude19 2

Let them know that it was a future senior moment.

kaityjo 0

must have been either a very long house tour or some very quick burning biscuits

That was my thought, too. Odd to come into a kitchen that's not yet yours and just start baking. Why not bake them at your current home and just drop them off?

I think she was accepting new roomies? Cookies/biscuits cook in 13-15 minutes, a 2-3 bedroom house could take that long to tour especially considering there'd be chatting involved Though I guess it'd take an extra 5 or so minutes to catch fire