By M1CHA3L_MY3RZ - 02/03/2016 01:22 - United States

Today, I donated a dollar to a kids charity at Lowe's. The cashier handed me a star to sign my name, I signed it and gave it back to her. She looked at me with disgust and asked what was wrong with me. I had to pull out my license to prove to her that my name is really Michael Myers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 974
You deserved it 1 474

M1CHA3L_MY3RZ tells us more.

yeah she apologized after I pulled my license out and proved it to her. then she just had this blank stare on her face. lmao I hear something about my name at least once a day, most the time it's stupid but there have been some good ones on occasion

Top comments

I don't understand what was so disgusting ? I'd have been fired from my job if I insulted the name of a customer.


I don't understand what was so disgusting ? I'd have been fired from my job if I insulted the name of a customer.

LostInTheZone11 29

Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Jason Voorhees: Friday the 13th Michael Myers: Halloween Freddy Krueger: Nightmare on Elm Street

she thought I was screwing with the they would connect the dots anyways...besides I've heard it all it doesn't bother me I openly challenge everyone to come up with something original. but mostly it's always the same. oh please don't kill me or prove it

wow did you know they named a famous movie character after you well at least everybody should know how to spell your name I'm sure you're really tired of all the stupid comments so I won't make one I often comment on peoples names when I'm dealing with customers on the phone except when its one that is so easy and obvious did you just don't say a damn thing about their name

It might've been her first time meeting someone with that name, thus her surprisingly rude reaction. Doesn't make it right to do so especially while on the job. Be proud of your killer name!

Steve97 32

Ouch FYL since she didn't think about Mike Myres the actor. Yeah baby ;)

I think she did, hence her thinking it was a joke.

No she was definitely thinking about Michael Myers the serial killer

I've not heard of the serial killer by that name, only the guy who plays Austin Powers, Wayne and Shrek. My apologies, but that's what I thought of.

mariri9206 32

Mauskau, it's from a horror movie series called Halloween. Michael Myers is the killer in it.

Even if it was a joke, you just gave money to charity. Why would they get shitty over what you decide to put on the star? My brother and I put "darth vader" and "voldemort" on ours before, the cashier just laughed and said it was awesome.

I work at a gas station, and we frequently do charity donations, and if someone doesn't want to put their name on one, we always put silly names on them like Voldemort and such! I guess I don't understand what the problem would have been even if that wasn't your real name? It kind of comes with doing those, because a lot of people don't want to put down their real name.

Exactly! We're doing a charity thing at my work right now and we've had Batman, Cinderella, Jane Austen, the Grinch, Tony Stark and even a rubik's cube make donations. Who cares what you put on the card, it's entertaining and the point is that you've donated to a good cause.

I don't understand why people always think of the Halloween movie first. My first thought is always the comedian who voiced shrek.

It's because his name is Mike Myers not Michael.

Yes, he goes by Mike, but his name is Michael