By UsuallyaUnicornbread - 26/11/2014 21:01 - United States - Morrisville

Today, I went to get myself a latte to make myself feel better after having a bad day. As soon as I sat down to enjoy it, I spilled it all over myself, another customer, and the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 566
You deserved it 3 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Greenteamextreme 16

I did that with 2 coffees yesterday. Didnt learn the first time the universe didnt want me to have coffee that day.

aww I'm sorry op that sucks! hope tomorrow turns out better for you!


Wow, that's just having a really bad day! Hope the coffee gods went easy on you the next day!

This is the most classic, bad day FML.

that fills the day an ending badly...sorry OP...

The same thing happened to me only with soda, new expensive shoes, not on a costumer, in front of a bunch of people in the food court at the mall.

A sign that the universe wasn't done ******* with you. I'm sorry, OP. I hope things got better eventually.

As a person who works in a restaurant, I feel your pain.

Sorry that happened to you. Hopefully the employees made you a new one. I do that automatically when a spill happens.