By porkfriedlife - 28/07/2009 20:38 - United States

Today, I went to a theater and saw "Bruno" with my mom. We saw "Borat" together, so I thought, 'Hey, how bad could it be?' I don't know what was more nauseating: Bruno's penis spinning around and talking or the fact that my mom thought it was hilarious and couldn't stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 859
You deserved it 25 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yep, I saw that with my friend and his parents. It was... interesting.

I saw Bruno with my mom and we both thought it was funny. I don't see the fyl...


soooooooo many people disgusted by bruno. i loved that movie, a so did my 57 year old mom. whats so bad about it?

At least your mom has a sense of humor!

This isn't an FML. Yes it was incredibly gay. But at the same time, you know what that actor is capable of, AND ITS A GAY MOVIE. You shouldve seen that one coming a mile ahead.

the same thing happened to me, it was the most awkward moment of my life! ahaha.

SunshinePants 0

I saw it with my boyfriend, his mom, and my mom. double awkward.

shouldabeenabj 0

yea saw it with my gf.... not the greatest time of my life

mylifesucks82 0

yuur i ******* retard dip shit, that movie was hilarious, "yah omg it was sooo embarrassing!!! my mom was laughing at a funny movie :(" wtf???!! and his penis wasn't talking? wat the hell did yuu eat for breakfast? a bowl full of stupid flakes????!!!