By EpicMayonnaise - 26/08/2011 07:35 - United States

Today, I went to a club. The only guy who asked me to dance introduced himself as "Bird Dog." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 413
You deserved it 3 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slushpup9696 12

Maybe that's his name, and he'll be posting an FML soon about a girl who refused to dance with him because of his name.

slushpup9696 12

Yeah. I hate my name, Hospital Ceiling. Everyone makes fun of me and turns me down at dances.


My cousin went to a club and got hit on my a guy who thought he was slick and told her she had a "horny name" (he was french). People in clubs are ******* WEIRD you can't expect great things there. FYL though.

What if all the other guys were too nervous to ask, and OP is intimidatingly attractive? Then again, that's probably my nerd train of thought speaking...

Egnar 19

It's becoming increasingly obvious that more and more "normal" guys AREN'T asking girls to dance at clubs because girls are getting more and more bitchy about responses, as if guys are doing something wrong when they go out on a limb and asking somebody if they want to dance - Treating it like "hey wanna dance" is code for "want to have unprotected sex on the dance floor?". So, get used to it, the thousands of girls before you on that dancefloor caused this.

a_nutritionist 10

from the sound of things, she caused it herself too. hate to tell you girl but guys do purposefully avoid girls who look like they think theyre hot shit and for people to fall over each other to be with you. from your 'oh noe, no1 has asked me out' comment it sounds like you were oozing 'more hassle than shes worth' vibes. people dont exist to do shit for you. you wanna dance, either do it or find someone yourself. women are responsible for the type of attention they get now, so enjoy.

HarveyMalone 0
ikickgingers 15

YDI. Completely drunk guys won't even talk to you ? Fail.

ikickgingers 15

It wasn't a shot at her why the negative comments?? Boo urns I'm just saying maybe she comes off as unapproachable or snobbish ??? I don't talk to guys who are dead pan serious and not having fun maybe it was that kind of sit.

Have you heard about the bird? Well - everybody's talking about the bird! Bird bird bird! Bird is the word!

if you'd said yes, you'd be known as "Rabbit Cat".

At clubs you're supposed to just dance... Not wait for a guy to ask you to dance..

The internet is a generally more social place then real life is nowadays anyway. Atleast from my perspective...