By the girlfriend - 26/08/2011 10:41 - United Kingdom

Today, at my boyfriend's house, I met his mother for the first time. And promptly fell in their pond. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 078
You deserved it 4 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Start swimming around like a fish. Get to know his family's fish and promptly fall back onto land.

RedPillSucks 31

Promptly? OP: Hi... my name is ahhuugghh!!!! mom: Nice to meet you ahhuugghh. Is that a Scandinavian name? BF: smh


you should have just laughed it off...thats always the best way to handle awkward situations

LiveLaughFML 10
nixter5 18

(meeting OP's mom) hi, how are yyYYYYYOOOOU!!! *splash*

enonymous 8

The qualifiers for the olympic dive team is a hard one to get into... And here are the results Great Britain judge 4.0 USA 4.2 France 4.1 East Germany 1.2

The country named Myself voted a 2.9... Little shallow on dive, wasn't enough arc to call it a true dive.

25 and 32 I dont care much about arc as long as it has some cool flips and someone falls into a pond full of fish im good.

TraceCase_ 19

NeatNit, why do you assume her bf is rich? I helped my parents dig a lovely backyard pond a few years ago. The cost is very minimal if you don't mind throwing some dirt around yourself.

You sure made a splash with his mother. Haha.

Randuhh_17 4

"Do you like piranhas dear?"

Start swimming around like a fish. Get to know his family's fish and promptly fall back onto land.

thesunsetglow_fml 8
Blackmail111 9

Dare I say it? Looks like OP Puts on sunglasses* Got her fish wet

Shit happens, hopefully you don't smell like fish and his mom doesn't think you're a crazy.

If his mom has a good sense of humor, OP will never live this down.

yomommma 6

Probably smelled like fish before she fell in the pond.

Exactly- at least it wasn't something "scandalous" or unavoidable, it was just a really awkward accident, haha. Unless OP's mom is bitchy when it comes time to her pond, I don't see why she'd dislike her for it or anything, it'd just be embarrassing. So no worries OP. (x

At least you didn't pee all over your self in her bathroom.

Roflcopterasd_fml 0

as oing as ur on the moms good side your ok.....

well at least she didn't push you how protective mothers can be

My mom is 2 overprotective.... It's not even funny

RedPillSucks 31

Promptly? OP: Hi... my name is ahhuugghh!!!! mom: Nice to meet you ahhuugghh. Is that a Scandinavian name? BF: smh

At least she didn't say 'proceeded' lol

Killuhk 8

Yes if the family shark jumped out of the pond and ate her instead....I hate when shit like that happens.. Smh