By xxxdwangelaxxx - 18/04/2009 21:08 - United States

Today, I went swinging with my friend at the park. Seeing a few cute guys playing basketball, I tried to act cute, laughing loudly and letting my hair fly all over the place. Just as they look over the swing broke. I fell on my face, my jeans sliding down, mooning them. They laughed hysterically. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 127
You deserved it 34 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohhhhshizzz 0

Dude the first, first not to call first. #1 youre awesome:) Bahaha, and you know what you kind of deserved that. laughing loud is obnoxious. you should have just acted normal, or even went over and watched them play there are easier ways straight forward that get you noticed., but your life is ****** up too.

FML has taught me to never try and impress people because bad stuff happens to you when you do. Also, I LOVE swings. You can never be too old!


KawaiiRoxas 0

Get jeans that fit next time.

thatCanadianGuy7 0

on the plus side, if you have a nice ass, they now know

dunno_me 0

Laughing obnoxiously and swinging your hair is not cute. It's just pathetic and annoying.

This might be one of my favorite FMLs. I hope it was laundry day, and you had the nappiest granny-panties on EVER!

i dont understand how your pants slid down

tdawgheath 0

Okay, I'm the kind of guy that likes cute girls, and let me say, you've either got it or you don't. My second ex was the only cute girl I've ever dated...the others tried. You can't do it with actions alone, it's in the structure of your face. As for acting cute by being obnoxious, how the Hell does that work? and #111 yeah? Were you pulling them down on purpose to give a lil show or something?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH thats probably the funniest one ive read in a long time.....

I agree with everyone saying YDI, but i also have to say, any guys that see a girl fall and just stand there and laugh, probably weren't worth your time anyway. They should have asked if you were okay. Its called being polite.